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Assessment and Promotion Criteria
Session 2024-25
Class X

The assessment pattern is followed as per the guidelines issued by CBSE.

Assessment Structure
Total 100 Marks


  1. Board Exam
    (80 marks)

Student has to secure 33% marks out of 80 marks in each subject

  1. Internal Assessment
    (20 marks)
    Student has to secure 33% marks out of overall 20 marks in each subject

Periodic tests
(5 Marks)

Multiple Assessment

(5 marks)

Subject Enrichment Activity
(5 marks)


. The exam will be conducted by the CBSE covering 100% syllabus of the subject

Three Periodic Tests and the average of best two tests will be taken for the final marks submission.

This will cover multiple and diverse techniques like

  • Class Discussion
  • Oral Tests
  • Group Activities
  • Concept Map
  • Graphic Organizers
  • PowerPoint Presentation etc

It is a collection of students’ work representing a selection of performances that is assembled over time and describes the students’ effort, progress, growth and achievement in key areas. The portfolio may take the form of a journal or notebook.

This will cover

  • CW/HW Assignment
  • Self/Peer
  • Student Artefacts
  • Students Reflection
  • Display of students’ exemplary work and finding in the related area

Subject enrichment activities aim at enrichment of the understanding and skill development of students.

  • Speaking and listening skills
  • Vocabulary Enrichment
  • Enhancement of students’ awareness and sensitivity through relevant literature

Hindi/Sanskrit/ French



Development of Scientific processes through experiments and explorations.



Enhancement of Mathematical skills through lab activities and explorations

Social Science

Social Science

Map work and Project work related to art and culture that includes development of Life Skills

6th Additional Skill subject (Artificial Intelligence)

Board Examination for 50 marks

Practical Examination of 50 marks

Weightage Calculation for Promotion:

Periodic Tests

Multiple Assessment (B)



Subject Enrichment


Board Exam


Grand Total







Preboard - 1 (80)

Pre-Board -II (80)

Average of best

two PBs


Best of PT 3/Pre Board










3. ART EDUCATION Students will select either a Visual Art (includes Drawing, Painting, Craft etc.) or a Performing Art (either Dance or Music). Students’ participation in activities/competitions form the basis of assessing the students.

4. HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Students will select and participate in sports activities of their choice. An objective assessment will be made based on the level of performance/participation demonstrated by the students throughout a year.

Students will be graded on a 5 point scale (A to E) for Art Education and Health and Physical Education.

Points to be noted:

  1. Retest will be conducted only in genuine Medical Emergencies/ On Duty cases.
  2. Any Application/ Medical certificate with a request letter should be submitted within one week of the leave taken after which it will not be accepted and the student will be marked absent.
  3. For a student using unfair means/ cheating during any examination, the answer sheet would not be evaluated and the student would be awarded ‘Zero’ in that exam.
  4. No student shall be allowed to take the Board Examination unless he/she has completed 75% attendance.
  5. In case of long term absenteeism on medical grounds, only 15% of medical leave shall be considered and 60% normal attendance is compulsory as per CBSE attendance bye laws.

Assessment and Promotion Criteria
Session 2024-25

Class IX

The assessment pattern is followed as per the guidelines issued by CBSE.

Assessment Structure

Total 100 Marks


1.Annual Exam
(80 marks)

Student has to secure 33% marks out of 80 marks in each subject

2.Internal Assessment
(20 marks)

Student has to secure 33% marks out of overall 20 marks in each subject

Periodic tests
(5 Marks)

Multiple Assessment

(5 marks)

Subject Enrichment Activity
(5 marks)


  • The school will conduct Annual Exam for 80 marks in each subject covering 100% syllabus of the subject.
  • Marks and Grades will be awarded for individual subjects.
  • 8-point grading system will be followed.

Three Periodic Tests and the average of best two tests will be taken for final marks submission.

For the purpose of gradient learning, the three tests will include Pre Mid Term (PT-1), Mid Term (PT-2) and Post Mid Term (PT-3) with the portion of syllabus cumulatively covered. The gradually increasing portion of contents would prepare students acquire confidence for appearing in the Final Exam with 100 % syllabus coverage

This will cover multiple and diverse techniques like

  • Class Discussion
  • Oral Tests
  • Group Activities
  • Concept Map
  • Graphic Organizers
  • PowerPoint Presentation etc

It is a collection of students’ work representing a selection of performances that is assembled over time and describes the students’ effort, progress, growth and achievement in key areas. The portfolio may take the form of a journal or notebook.

This will cover

  • CW/HW Assignment
  • Self/Peer
  • Student Artefacts
  • Students Reflection
  • Display of students’ exemplary work and finding in the related area

Subject enrichment activities aim at enrichment of the understanding and skill development of students.

  • Speaking and listening skills
  • Vocabulary Enrichment
  • Enhancement of students’ awareness and sensitivity through relevant and suitable literature

Hindi / Sanskrit / French



Development of Scientific processes through experiments and explorations.



Enhancement of Mathematical skills through lab activities and explorations

Social Science

Social Science

Map work and Project work related to art and culture that includes development of Life Skills

6th Additional Skill subject (Artificial Intelligence)

Annual Examination for 50 marks

Practical Examination of 50 marks

Weightage Calculation for Promotion:

Periodic Tests

Multiple Assessments




Subject Enrichment





PT2/Mid term



Annual Exam



Grand Total




PT2/Mid term




Average of best two PTs













The 8 point grading system is appended below:

Marks Range








32 & below









E (Essential repeat))

3.ART EDUCATION Students will select either a Visual Art (includes Drawing, Painting, Craft etc.) or a Performing Art (either Dance or Music). Students’ participation in activities/competitions form the bases of assessing the students.

4. HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Students will select and participate in sports activities of their choice. An objective assessment will be made based on the level of performance/participation demonstrated by the students throughout a year.

Students will be graded on a 5 point scale (A to E) for Art Education and Health and Physical Education.

Points to be noted:

  1. In order to be declared PASS, a student must secure at least 33% marks in each of the 5 main subjects (separately in Theory and Internal Assessment) in Annual Examination.
  2. It is compulsory for the students to appear in all Examinations/ Assessments. However, if a student remains absent on any exam day due to unavoidable circumstances or medical reasons, parents are requested to inform the school reception or mail at the school email ID on the very same day/ at the earliest.
  3. Retest will be conducted only in genuine Medical Emergencies/ On Duty cases.
  4. Any Application/ Medical certificate with a request letter should be submitted within one week of the leave taken after which it will not be accepted and the student will be marked absent.
  5. For a student using unfair means/ cheating during any examination, the answer sheet would not be evaluated and the student would be awarded ‘Zero’ in that exam.
  6. No student shall be allowed to take the Annual Examination unless he/she has completed 75% attendance.
  7. In case of long term absenteeism on medical grounds, only 15% of medical leave shall be considered and 60% normal attendance is compulsory as per CBSE attendance bye laws.

Eligibility for Compartment:

  1. A student failing in 2 subjects shall be placed in compartment in those subjects, provided he/she qualifies in all the subjects of Internal Assessments.
  2. A maximum of 10 marks grace can be awarded for up to 2 subjects for promotion. A maximum of 5 marks grace can be awarded for one subject. Grace marks and compartment cannot be awarded together to a student.

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