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Senior Secondary

Assessment and Promotion Criteria (2024-25)

Class XI

  1. In order to declare pass, a student must secure at least 33% marks in each of the subject studied by him/her separately both in Theory and Practical/ Project/IA Exam.
  2. If a student has failed to secure at least 33% in theory in one subject, compartment is given in theory only. Same policy applies for practical/project/ IA also.
  3. A student shall be detained in Class XI if he/ she is unable to secure 33% marks separately in both Theory and Practical/ Project / IA examinations of two or more than two subjects.
  4. It is compulsory for the students to appear in all Examinations/ Assessments. However, if a student remains absent on any exam day due to unavoidable circumstances or medical reasons, parents are requested to inform the school reception or mail at the school email ID on the very same day/ at the earliest.
  5. Retest will be conducted only in genuine Medical Emergencies/ On Duty cases.
  6. Any Application/ Medical certificate with a request letter should be submitted within three days of the leave taken after which it will not be accepted and the student will be marked absent. No mark, credit or allowance shall be given for the days of the absence.
  7. For a student using unfair means/ cheating during any examination, the answer sheet would not be evaluated and the student would be awarded zero in that exam.
  8. No student shall be allowed to take the Annual Examination unless he/she has completed 75% attendance.
  9. In case of long term absenteeism on medical grounds, only 15% of medical leave shall be considered and 60% normal attendance is compulsory as per CBSE attendance bye laws.

In case, a student wishes to take-up a Sixth (additional) subject in Class XII, it is mandatory for him/ her to pass the Mid Term Examination of that subject with at least 33% in Class XI.

Weightage Calculation for Promotion

Subjects involving Practical

Mid Term Examination

Annual Examination



Maximum Marks



Maximum Marks



Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Psychology, Physical Education, Geography, Home Science, and Computer Science

Theory -70

Practical - 30

Theory -20

Practical – 10

Theory -70

Practical - 30

Theory -50

Practical - 20

Theory -70

Practical – 30


Theory -30

Practical – 70

Theory -10

Practical – 20

Theory -30

Practical – 70

Theory -20

Practical – 50

Theory -30

Practical – 70

Fashion Studies and Web application

Theory -60

Practical - 40

Theory -20

Practical – 15

Theory -60

Practical - 40

Theory -40

Practical - 25

Theory -60

Practical – 40


Theory -50

Practical - 50

Theory -20

Practical - 20

Theory -50

Practical - 50

Theory -30

Practical - 30

Theory -50

Practical - 50

Subjects involving Project/Internal Assessment (IA)

Mid Term Examination

Annual Examination



Maximum Marks



Maximum Marks



English, Maths, Accounts, Business Studies, Political Science, Legal Studies, Sociology, History and Economics

Theory -80

Project/ IA-20

Theory -30

Project/ IA-10

Theory -80

Project/ IA-20

Theory -50

Project/ IA-10

Theory -80

Project/ IA- 20


Theory -70

Project/ IA-30

Theory -20

Project/ IA- 10

Theory -70

Project/ IA-30

Theory -50

Project/ IA-20

Theory -70

Project/IA- 30

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