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ITL Public School being one of the premier educational institutions:

  • Is a diverse Inclusive School Community committed to academic excellence for meaningful learning thereby catering to individual’s needs and strengths.
  • Propagates the values of Integrity, Truth and Learning for comprehensive and holistic growth of students and nurturing human spirit.
  • Focuses on ‘Universal Design of Learning’ by bringing flexibility in curriculum and incorporating Action Oriented Learning, Visual and Performing Arts in the school curriculum.
  • Embraces Gender Sensitive Pedagogy to foster equality, empathy and respect among all students thus becoming responsive citizens.
  • Aims to ‘Prepare  All Students for Success in Sustainable Global Economy’ through Transformative Education 
  • Ensures an effective safety mechanism by following the maxim: Every Day….. Every Student.
  • Incorporates Sustainable Development Goals in curriculum through Project Based Learning



The Mission of ITL Public School is to:

  • Aspire to become an acknowledged leader in Educational Excellence and Community Involvement
  •  To be an All Inclusive school where they learn and thrive in caring, comforting and secure environment and believe in the Principle of ‘Accept and Not Expect’.
  • Connect classrooms to real life through focus on ‘DifferentiatedExperiential and Reflective’ teaching- learning methodology.
  • Nurture young minds to be confident, competent communicators, skillful in problem solving and critical thinking.
  • Globalize Indian thoughts and values of Tolerance, Non Violence and Love by integrating a rigorous academic curriculum with immersive global experiences
  • Foster a conducive environment to students to become Transformational Leaders by Connecting Sharing and Collaborating with the global community, other schools and organizations that share our core values as partners in growth.
  • Facilitate  students to believe in their potential, to embrace learning , to excel and to own their future 
  • Involve Parents as Partners in all endeavors for bridging the gap between the teaching learning fraternities.
  •  Progressively works towards professional development of teachers through continuous Capacity Building Programme for imparting quality education.

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